Friday, February 17, 2012

amanda: valentine's day fun

I didn't get any comments about how your Valentine's Day went.. so here's mine:

First, I had to have some fun with my nails ;)
I just used a peach and nude base color alternatively on my nails. French tipped them with a very sparkly pink polish. Then drew in two tiny hearts on two fingers.

 Even though I didn't get to celebrate Valentine's this year, but at least looking down at my fingers made me smile!

I'm pretty sure you guys had a better valentine's compared to mine cause I worked at school until 9:30pm and only had a starbucks green tea and a banana for dinner that night. :(

I was working on draping this cowl top at school... 

It got pretty frustrating because the fabric was so slippery and I was so tired from a whole day of classes. But here's the finished project.. not the best work I've done, but I know what went wrong and will try to improve next time!

Here's my dolled up fingers journaling on Feb. 15th~ 
I was reflecting upon the fact that I'm not a big fan of this occasion but found it awfully hard not to be affected when everywhere I went, there were flowers, chocolates, teddy bears, and a lot of happy couples. 

 But like I said on twitter: 
"Valentine's day is great for those who usually have no time to love. But for those who love everyday, it's just like any other day."

I know I'm loved. What about you?
Now it's YOUR turn to tell me about your Valentine's!!


  1. cute nails! and yah.. not a big fan of valentines. agree 100% with your twitter quote! =P

